
SCIENTIFIC knowledge for a GREENER and BRIGHTER tomorrow for everyone

CINE is a Brazilian research and innovation center dedicated to developing energy generation and storage technologies to accelerate the energy transition and establish a low-carbon economy.

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Energy Generation
Energy Generation

Photovoltaic solar energy and wind energy: improvement of perovskite solar cells and optimization of wind turbines.

Advanced Energy Storage
Advanced Energy Storage

Development of batteries, supercapacitors, reformers and fuel cells for an efficient management of renewable energy.

Green Hydrogen
Green Hydrogen

Development of sustainable processes for the production of low-carbon hydrogen.

Computational Materials Design
Computational Materials Design

Computer simulations and artificial intelligence for studies on solar cells, wind turbines, green hydrogen production, batteries and supercapacitors.

Through scientific articles and patents, we SHARE new knowledge with academia and industry.

Discover our patents and our list of papers published in the best scientific journals in the world.

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See who is with us joining efforts for a MORE SUSTAINABLE FUTURE
Founding Sponsors:
Leading Institutions:
Strategic Partners:
Financing Agencies:
UNICAMP - Cidade Universitária
"Zeferino Vaz" Barão Geraldo
Campinas - São Paulo | Brasil
Rua Michel Debrun, s/n
Prédio Amarelo CEP: 13083-084
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