CINE 5 years – Dissemination of knowledge for the public debate on energy transition.
Tuesday April 2nd, 2024
Tuesday April 2nd, 2024

Through a wide variety of initiatives and activities, the Center for Innovation on New Energies (CINE) not only leads research and development of innovative technologies, but also plays a key role in disseminating knowledge and educating the public about the complexities and opportunities created by the energy transition. Thus, throughout the first 5 years of CINE’s existence, a diverse set of activities was carried out, including events of various types, online courses, white papers and presence in digital media, among others.

As an example of a continuous effort to promote scientific discussions, CINE organized 49 webinars and talks with researchers from Brazil and abroad, offering an open space for everyone interested in exploring emerging opportunities in the energy transition. These lectures are available on the CINE YouTube channel, which has 157 videos and more than 1,100 subscribers.

Scientific dissemination on social media reached its peak through the use of several platforms acting in a complementary way. While Facebook and Instagram focused on dissemination to a national audience, the English language was adopted on Twitter/ X and LinkedIn platforms, thus achieving greater international coverage. All posts, with original and high-quality content, aim to bring a little knowledge about the energy transition to the public beyond CINE’s borders.

In addition, we carry out initiatives specially planned for a broad audience. In partnership with the company Soupods, CINE ventured into the realm of audio through a podcast about energy transition, with the voices of our experts covering different topics. In turn, the collaboration with the electronic scientific journalism magazine ComCiência resulted in a complete issue dedicated to the theme “New Energies”.

With around 200 news items published on its website and disseminated in newsletters and social media, CINE has been a reliable source of up-to-date information on new technologies for the energy transition. Furthermore, more than 150 news stories about CINE were published in various external media, highlighting the recognition and relevance of CINE´s contributions to the public debate about a more sustainable world.

In short, the activities carried out by CINE transcend the boundaries of research and development and play a fundamental role in the dissemination of knowledge and public education. By empowering individuals and communities with valuable information and insights, CINE is paving the way to a more sustainable and prosperous future for generations to come.

A privileged environment for training researchers

CINE has also played a crucial role in training highly qualified human resources by promoting a conducive environment to the professional development in the area of technologies for energy transition and decarbonization. The numbers speak for themselves: over the last five years, 287 students, comprising 78 undergraduate, 82 master’s and 127 doctoral students, together with 84 postdoctoral  researchers and 42 professors have been actively involved in research activities within CINE projects.

To qualify these human resources, 23 long-term workshops (between 1 and 5 days) were held, which allowed for in-depth discussion of a wide variety of topics. This technical training was enriched by the holding of the First CINE School of Entrepreneurship, which trained potential leaders in the energy transition sector.

This privileged environment offered by CINE not only provides students with a world-class education, but also exposes them to real challenges and innovative solutions within the emerging field of renewable energy and decarbonization. In the context of CINE, students have the opportunity to work side by side with experienced researchers, in addition to carrying out scientific internships in some of the best laboratories in the world, with scientists who are international references in their fields.

Over the period, 53 master’s theses and 63 doctoral theses were defended, which contributed to the advancement of knowledge in their respective areas within the field of energy transition. By investing in the education and professional development of a new generation of scientists, engineers and entrepreneurs, CINE is playing a vital role in building a more sustainable, inclusive and resilient energy future.


Prof. Juarez L. F. Da Silva (IQSC-USP)
Coordinator of Education and Dissemination of Knowledge at CINE 2021-2023

UNICAMP - Cidade Universitária
"Zeferino Vaz" Barão Geraldo
Campinas - São Paulo | Brasil
Rua Michel Debrun, s/n
Prédio Amarelo CEP: 13083-084
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